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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Blue Screen

Blue Screen often occurs probably because there is mismatch DLL files or bugs in the operating system kernel.

If there is blue screen, usually Windows will create a small file (although often we do not realize) who reported to us that there is an error on which side.

Indeed spontaneously, blue screen will print the information on the monitor at the time the circumstances they will be, but usually after that, we become panic and confusion which eventually forget to analyze what causes Blue Screen crash occurs they will be, so maybe they will be followed by the appearance of error messages with a countdown to shutdown in Windows so that if the shutdown will not happen more severe damage for example, all the CPU heat increases due to overheating and most fatal is happening electrical shorting in the home / office where we work.

If you are skilled enough in analyzing the messages displayed during a blue screen, a great tool to help save the blue screen of information that can help us analyze and answer why it occurs blue screen.

This tool is named BlueScreenView. Can be downloaded and can be used instantly without any installation process. BlueScreenView environment can run on any Windows> Windows XP / Server 2003/Server 2008/Vista/7. Please analyze damage to computer systems with this tool.

Here are the codes on the screen show a blue / blue screen

blue screen is most often famous because plng often appear. Penyebabbya Because DRIVER PROBLEM WHICH DOES NOT FIT or clashing.
But this blue screen can also be caused by EXCESSIVE YG overclock graphics card. The solution Try to analyze whether you should change your graphics card with the new?
If so, make sure the old VGA driver who removed before installing the new graphics card drivers. DRIVERS MAKE SURE it fits your own graphics card DNG.
If this blue full scr msh happen because you increase your VGA CLOCK, MKA TRY LOWER THE CLOCK VGA

2. INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE Spoiler for HANDLE BLUE SCREEN INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE: blue screen appears because of the ERROR IN CONFIGURATION JUMPER hard drive. In addition, in the BOOT SECTOR VIRUS, WHICH ONE Controller IDE driver, or ERROR with chipset drivers can also be a culprit. The solution JUMPER on Check Your Hard Disk. Make sure the master or slave configuration. Usually sich Slave configuration, you just need to get off jumpernya.

From Error was pictured alone is the cause of this blue screen. Blue screen appears because the FILE SYSTEM WHICH DAMAGED THE HARD DISK. The solution = Try checking HARD DISK DNG open Windows Explorer. Right click HARD DISK DRIVE , then click "PROPERTIES", click "TOOLS", then click "CHECK NOW". In the Tab "error checking", check in Second Option, then click "OK". Restart PC. Try Check the "CABLE HARD DISK". What is already installed with properly. if the blue screen is still  ARISE CBA software which allows you to repair damaged Like File System which Partition Table Doctor.

blue screen is caused by overclocking WHICH IS EXCESSIVE, MEMORY PROBLEM, or BIOS . This can be caused by COMPUTER COMPONENTS WHICH TOO HOT. The solution = Lower CLOCK PROCIE and VGA. Check the FAN SPEED  PROCIE and VGA. If Round already low fan then you should replace these fans. If the blue screen is caused by the BIOS , then UPDATE your BIOS. DO NOT FORGET TO MAKE SURE WHICH NEW COMPATIBLE WITH BIOS your motherboard. Check RAM. You can use the software like Memtest86 Memory Testing. If the detected RAM tests were distinguished Troubled , then change the RAM. Before changing the RAM sockets do not forget Notice TYPE ANDCLOCK SPEED

IN DDL execute the file. Can because YG DLL FILE MISSING or BROKEN. Other causes are the presence of the registry file YG UNINTERRUPTED. The solution = You need to prepare the Installer CD Windows to fix this blue screen. BOOT to the CD, then select "Repair".

6. Important Files UNKNOWN_HARD_ERROR
registry can not run because the file is BROKEN or MISSING. Files can be Damaged and Lost because HARD DISK BROKEN. Can also this blue screen appears because the registry is executed MEMORY PLACE Having parity ERROR. Solution = check it with a software RAM tester ram error. Then dislodged RAM troubled. DO NOT FORGET TO CLEAN THE PIN-PIN socket and RAM. If the blue screen still happens try and Fix Windows with installer CD. If the blue screen still occurs THEN REPLACE WITH NEW RAM.

Messages like this indicate a problem with DRIVERS. In addition to the driver with problem, these errors can be caused by the File System Troubled, Page File Damaged, or damage hardware. Hardware is usually MEMORY DISK

blue screen is caused by a distinguished damaged registry file. Troubled RAM can cause this blue screen. Solution = Check and PIN SOCKET RAM. All CLEAN ONLY. If you already Replace, if this blue screen still happens again dislodged TRY ONE OF RAM. If the errors stop, MEMORY WHICH IS YOUR PROBLEM dislodged. If the error still also try to plug the memory lg td disconnected and out of memory the other one to check where the memory lg yg error.KALAU JG STILL ERROR SLOT MEMORY or BOTH OF SUCH NON-PERFORMING MEMORY.

this out due to a HARDWARE DAMAGE. As HARD DISK, MEMORY, or VGA. Oh yes, the destruction of L2 cache, PROCIE  causes this blue screen. Solution = If it were not REPLACE or Damaged td SERVICE COMPONENT reply.

errors can be caused by some factor. Among them is flawed RAM, L2 CACHE RAM, VGA. Can be caused by RAM CLOCK WHICH IS NOT THE SAME. MBR (Master Boot Record) which was attacked by a virus could be one cause of this blue screen. solution = Using RAM with CLOCK WHICH THE SAME, SCAN YOUR HARD DISK with AntiVirus, Fix MBR with the Windows Installer CD.

Cause you see this message is the disruption of critical processes such as Winlogon or CSRRS. Windows Not for Process Operation ABLE is disturbed. Malware can also cause this blue screen appears. The solution = You can do the System Restore in SAFE MODE. Another option you can repair Windows with the Installer CD .if there is malware, clean Malware.

cause of this message appears because there is an error on the hard drive bootable solution = use windows, go into recovery console, use the command chkdsk fixboot after MOST OF THE FACTORS OF EMERGENCE OF BLUE SCREEN MESSAGE IS DAMAGE OR HARDWARE COMPONENTS disability. BUT NOT TOO RARE PROBLEM ARISING OUT OF OTHER FACTORS SUCH AS: corrupt registry, ATTACK BY VIRUSES AND DRIVERS ARE NOT COMPATIBLE WITH YOUR PC .

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