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Friday, July 22, 2011

Audacity : Free audio editor and recorder

Audacity is very usefull software to edit and record sound(music)
There are so much thing that we can do with this software

example we can use to make instrumental from some music
(not always have very clean sound good or bad the instrumental depend from the original music)

we can use fade in (opening sound from little sound to original volume)and fade out(ending sound from original volume to little volume)

Change tempo of the sound


Click here to download

Mac OS X
Click here to download Intel

Click here to dowload PPC

Click here to download Mac OS 9



Always on top maker is a software that can be use to make the software that we want always on top of the other software

It can be very usefull especially when u want to use cheat/hack the game that the game always make it full screen

You can use Always On Top Maker by click
CTRL-ALT-T to make the software always on top or not always on top
CTRL-ALT-Q to close/ exit the Always On Top Maker

Click here to download